Ridge Thoughts

a blog to keep you up-to-date on what is going on at the ridge

Friday, January 12, 2007

New Year, New Challenges

2007! Wow, what happens next? God was so good to the Ridge in 2006. We got into our first building after renting for almost 8 years and I became full-time pastor at the same time.

Attendance has gone through the roof. We have doubled in a year. From 199 average to 420 average. We have added a third service. We have started tentative plans for building Phase Three in 2008.

Most importantly we have seen a good number of people give their lives to Christ since we got in the new building. 25+ people as of the end of 2006...and another half dozen since January 1.

God is so good. I feel blessed to be part of a church like Sycamore Ridge. I can hardly wait to see what God will do in our midst in 2007.


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